Some Language at a Low Level of Abstraction | EP #12 Coding Talk Show Podcast
Let’s talk about some Languages at a Low Level of Abstraction.
At a low level of abstraction, programming languages are those that are closer to the machine code that is executed by the computer’s central processing unit (CPU). These languages are typically more efficient and faster to execute, but they are also more difficult to read and write, as they require a more detailed understanding of the hardware and operating system.
Some examples of low-level programming languages include:
- Assembly language — Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is used to write programs for specific processors or architectures. It is a human-readable form of machine code that is closer to the instructions that are executed by the CPU.
- C and C++ — C and C++ are low-level programming languages that are widely used for system programming and the development of operating systems, compilers, and other software that requires a high level of control over the hardware.
- Machine code — Machine code is the native language of the computer’s CPU and is composed of binary digits (0s and 1s) that represent the instructions that the CPU should execute. It is the most basic form of programming language and is not human-readable.
Overall, low-level programming languages are those that are closer to the hardware and operating system and offer a high level of control and efficiency, but they are also more difficult to read and write than high-level programming languages.